WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: Q&A with Kory Wood | All Politics Are Local

March 3, 2023

Q&A with Kory Wood

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
When I was really young, I wanted to be a police officer. As I got older, I wanted to follow in my mom’s footsteps – she’s an RN – and work in the medical field as a cardiac surgeon. I graduated college with a BA in Biology to fulfill that dream, and then I got bit by the political bug (politics was always a passion) and never left.

How did you end up involved in politics?
I got involved in politics at a very early age. In high school, I had the opportunity to attend an event at the Pepsi Coliseum at the Indiana State Fair Grounds to see President George W. Bush. I volunteered a lot for local campaigns for school boards and city council and Mitch Daniels when he decided to run for Indiana Governor. All of that led to where I am today.

Tell me your best political story or favorite political memory.
My first big win in 2010 with Frank Guinta’s congressional campaign will always be my greatest political memory; however, my favorite thing about politics is meeting and building relationships with folks nationwide and even internationally.

How do you spend your free time?
When not working or traveling for work, I enjoy watching sports (Indiana Hoosiers, Tennessee Titans, Chicago Cubs), spending time with my family and dogs Mattie and Teddy, and traveling for fun. I also enjoy playing video games, including Fortnite, with my brother-in-law and two nieces.

What is the best concert you’ve attended?
The best concert I’ve been to has to be either Jimmy Buffett or Florida Georgia Line – Jimmy Buffett for the party and the atmosphere and Florida Georgia Line for the entertainment.

Kory Wood: It’s true – all politics are local.

Whether you are a candidate for mayor of a small town or President of the United States, your path to victory lies within this phrase – all politics are local.

Here in Indiana, municipal primaries are taking place in May – and our firm is happy to be working with candidates from Fort Wayne to Carmel in every corner of the state.

The one constant thing is that voters in every town have different issues that will drive them to the polls. Whether it is fiscal discipline, crime, or potholes, voters will select who they think will best serve them based on the issues affecting their daily lives.

As conservatives, we believe the best decisions are made by those closest to the people. Mayors, city councilors, and other local elected officials make daily decisions that genuinely affect their constituents’ lives.

But as we embark on a presidential election cycle, here is some advice to those seeking to run for office at the federal level: being able to connect with voters on local issues will put you above your competition.

Decisions made in Washington, D.C., do affect each and every one of us, but the decision-makers are often untouchable. Often voters only hear about the effects of legislation after the fact once the consequences are realized. That very well could explain Congress’ low approval rating.

If you are running for Congress, learn about the local issues before you visit a town or a city. If you are running for President, connect with voters on the local issues that are most important to them. In a large field, it will make a significant difference in the outcome of your conversations and, ultimately, the election.

Always remember, no matter what office you are running for: all politics are local.

Kory touched base on it this week: all politics are local. We want to take a moment to remind you that this is true throughout our business – we’ve helped candidates on all levels find a path to victory, connect with constituents, and impact their local communities.

As always – don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs. From dog catcher (is this still a thing?) to running for President, we have your back.

We craft strategies to help you win.

At Ascent Strategic, we devise winning strategies for candidates and political organizations. We'd love to see what we can help you achieve.

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